Women’s Committee Presents Cheque to Terra Centre
This week Angela Borsy, the chairperson for the Lodge 146 Women’s Committee, presented a cheque for over $2000 to the Edmonton Terra Centre. The Terra Centre is a non-profit organization that has been serving pregnant and parenting teens in Edmonton since 1971. At our Annual Boilermaker Awards Banquet held on January 26, 2019 our COPE Staff volunteered their time to gather funds for the Terra Centre. These funds were generated by a raffle of beautiful paintings from a local artist, Silverbirch Artworks.
The Women’s Committee also plans to visit the Terra Centre to share information about the Boilermaker trade with the young mothers. More information about the Terra Centre can be found at terracentre.ca.
< Pictured L-R: Colleen Dombrosky, Administrative Assistant at Terra; Carol Sullivan, Director of Early Child Services; Angela Borsy, Women’s Committee Chairperson; Karen Mottershead, Executive Director.