Please donate to the Jessica Martel Memorial Foundation
At the AFL Convention 2017 there was a true showing of solidarity from unions and individual delegates as they offered generous donations to the Jessica Martel Memorial Foundation. The foundation has a strong connection to USW Local 1-207 and this year they are raising funds to help build a women’s shelter in Morinville, AB.
The Jessica Martel Memorial Foundation (JMMF) was established on January 15, 2012, in response to the tragic death of Jessica Martel, a 26 year old woman who was murdered by her husband in front of their children in Morinville, Alberta. The most tragic aspect of Jessica’s death is that she had a plan to leave her abusive relationship, but had nowhere safe to go. In efforts to prevent such tragedy and to provide support to women and their families in similar situations, the Jessica Martel Memorial Foundation aims to serve victims of domestic violence in Morinville, Sturgeon County and surrounding areas. Although tragedy was the driving force behind the creation of the JMMF, it was established as a result of a perceived need for a safe house within the community. Further exploration has validated this need and has provided additional drive for achieving JMMF’s goal of establishing a safe house.