Brother Jose Garcia Awarded for Exceptional Valour
On October 6, 2017, a women and her 6-year child were walking in their Northwest Calgary neighborhood. They were approached from behind by an unknown man. Unprovoked, the man began attacking the mother and child, who screamed for help. This alerted community residents nearby. One of the residents who responded to the scene was Jose Garcia, who confronted the offender. Once the assailant was away from the scene, Jose went to the aid of the mother and her child, who were both severely injured as a result of this random attack. Jose tended to the victims, offering reassurance until Police and EMS arrived on the scene. The victims were transported to the hospital in critical condition, but have since recovered from their physical injuries. There is no doubt that Jose’s intervention saved the lives of the mother and child that day.
Jose Garcia has been a member of the Boilermakers Lodge 146 since 2014 and we are proud to have him as a Brother.