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Boilermakers Lodge 146

Apprentice Recruitment Information Seminar

Apprentice Recruitment Information Seminar (ARIS)

This introductory seminar & assessment will provide a brief overview of the demands and responsibilities for anyone considering a Boilermaker or Welding career with Local 146. Please bring government issue picture ID (drivers license, passport etc.), and resume if you have one.

Dates on Course Calendar

In order to be considered for an Apprenticeship opportunity and work for the Boilermakers Union you need to attend the Apprentice Recruitment Information Seminar offered in Edmonton and Calgary. Please view the course calendar for upcoming dates and registration information.

If you have a contract of apprenticeship or your new to the trade and want to get an apprenticeship contract the process is the same – you must attend the ARIS seminar.

Topics Covered

  • Trade Descriptions
  • Boilermaker Job Demands and Job Site Requirements
  • Boilermaker Union Advantage
  • Apprenticeship Program

You Will Be Asked To

  • Fill out a questionnaire and application.
  • Provide us with your contact information for personal and work references.
  • Bring current Government issued photo ID.
  • Book an appointment to write the Trade Assessment Exam.
  • Bring your questions – about the trade, the union, apprenticeship etc. every effort will be made to answer your questions.
  • Bring your apprenticeship training log book “blue book” if you have one.

About the Written Assessment

You can prepare for the assessment by using the assessment guide book: Preparing for the Boilermaker Trade –

Hard copy study guides are available for purchase at the Edmonton and Calgary Union Halls for $45. Alternatively you can request a digital copy of the study guides and practice assessments at no cost, please request access while registering for the ARIS seminar.  This book covers the skills needed for both the Boilermaker and Welder trade and is highly recommended.

Consider the Following

Your response to these statements will help you decide if a field construction Boilermaker or Welder is the right fit for you:

  • I am willing and able to do strenuous work.
  • I am willing to work at heights – I understand that a certain percentage of the work will take place at heights in excess of 200 feet above ground.
  • I understand I will have to work in confined spaces.
  • I am willing to travel and live away from home for long periods of time to maintain employment.
  • I am willing to work in all types of adverse conditions and climates.
  • I am willing to make a commitment to attend technical trainig in a timely fashion.
  • I understand that based on employment conditions. I may be unemployed from time-to-time.
  • I am dedicated to performing a job to the best of my ability and in compliance with employer standards.



We reserve the right to change these dates.  Please be sure to check the calendar 48 hours in advance of your desired date.

In Edmonton only:

Located at the Edmonton Apprenticeship & Mechanical Training Centre- 15330 114 Ave Edmonton AB T5M 2Z2 (map on the left)

MORNING: 8:30 a.m.- 11:00

AFTERNOON: 1:30-4:00 p.m.

Registration required, please email your Name and Phone Number to Sarah at

Seminar is approximately 2 hours long with the option to write the assessment afterwards.


References – with contact information.  (Please Note: References do not have to be in the trade or in the organization.)

Work History – with dates and contact information.

Photo ID – must be valid and government issued.

Resume – optional.

Location: 15220-114 Ave Edmonton AB T5M 2Z2



Doors open at 9:30 a.m., seminar starts at 10:00 a.m. Registration required, please email your Name and Phone Number to

Seminar is approximately 2 hours long with the option to write the assessment afterwards.


References – with contact information.  (Please Note: References do not have to be in the trade or in the organization.)

Work History – with dates and contact information.

Photo ID – must be valid and government issued.

Resume – optional.


Boilermaker Lodge 146 Calgary Hall 11055 48 Street SE Calgary, AB  T2C 1G8


Applicants must attend ARIS prior to writing the Trade Assessment Exam.  Bookings can be made at the ARIS Seminar or by emailing to book for future dates.


Photo ID – must be valid and Government issued

Please note: Pens, pencils and a calculator will be provided.


Apprenticeship & Mechanical Training Centre (AMTC) 15330 114 Ave Edmonton, AB  T5M 2Z2


Applicants must attend ARIS prior to writing the Trade Assessment Exam.  Bookings can be made at the ARIS Seminar or by emailing book for future dates.


Photo ID – must be valid and Government issued

Please note: Pens, pencils and a calculator will be provided.


Boilermaker Lodge 146 Calgary Hall 11055 48 Street SE Calgary, AB  T2C 1G8

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