Boilermakers offer help to a Brother in need
Members of Lodge 146 are reaching out to a Brother in need. Brother Bruce Winder’s son was born with quadriplegia cerebal palsy 11 years ago. What does that mean ? it means that Bruce’s son is unable to walk, sit, see, hear or speak.
Looking after their son is a full-time job for Bruce’s wife which means she is unable to work. As their son grows and without the assistance of their older sons who have now moved out and on with their lives looking after their son becomes more difficult and challenging for both her and Bruce. It also become more expensive, due to their sons growing size simple tasks like bathing and the use of the toilet have become very difficult to manage and the current facilities in their home are no longer suitable or practical for them. Expensive upgrades are needed upgrades such as bed lifts, safety restraints, roll in shower, shower widening for wheelchair, shower/toilet lift, rail system, grab/lift handles and heated floors so that thier son can lie on the floor after a shower while his mom dries him.
A gofundme site has been created so that Brothers and Sisters who would like to, can offer a hand up to our Brother Bruce Winder. Follow this link to send donations.
We wish you and your family the best Bruce! In Solidarity