An Urgent Call For Your Help!
To all Construction Members of Lodge 146:
We have a problem and I am asking for your help. There are about 600 open calls at the hall and about 500 members on the Out-of-Work List.
We need a special effort from all of our
construction members to fill these job calls.
If we can’t supply enough qualified Boilermakers, Welders and Apprentices to our fair contractors, the owners will look elsewhere. If that happens, members of Lodge 146 will lose work. This will affect both working and out-of-work members.
Lodge 146 members have a strong reputation as qualified, safe and reliable. Alberta Boilermakers are known for their ability to get the job done. It’s a reputation none of us want to spoil.
When the union can’t fill orders, we hurt ourselves, our families and the other members of our lodge. Please consider this when you get a job offer from the lodge.
Let’s all stand up for our proud tradition of being the industry’s best. Please contact the hall today to help your lodge fill our open job calls.
In solidarity,
Joseph Maloney, M.S.C.
International Vice President