Boilermakers Lodge 146

Calgary Shop Rules

As we approach the busy season, shop usage priority will be:

  1. Job testing
  2. “B” Pressure Course
  3. Practice for CWB test
  4. Practice & Testing for up to date Boilermaker tickets
  5. General practice time


Practice procedure for shop:

  • Booths need to be reserved a day before usage for both practice and testing.  Call when dispatched for booking a job test, and after 1:00pm to book practice time.  403-253-6976
  • When booking, state what you will be practicing.
  • Booths can be reserved for four hours a day for practice: 8:00am – 12:00pm and 12:00pm – 4:00pm
  • Booths will be held one hour after reserved time, and if no show, will be given to another.
  • Cannot book a booth for practice for multiple days.
  • Pick up time card at front counter and you will be given a booth number.
  • When finished, return time card to front counter to sign out of booth.


Shawn Ouellette
Facility Coordinator