Boilermakers Lodge 146


It is the responsibility of all Canadians to do their part to slow the spread of COVID-19.  The same is true for any person taking a dispatch from Lodge 146 and reporting to work.

It is expected that each dispatched person from this Lodge has been and continues to be compliant with all Canadian health services orders and Canadian government health measures and restrictions.

It is further expected that each dispatched person from this Lodge has been and continues to perform daily health checks to monitor their symptoms.

Lodge 146 remains committed to protecting members, employees and all Albertans by continuing to comply with all Public Health Orders and federal, provincial and municipal governments directives. We appreciate your support and understanding as we cope with the pandemic and do our part to comply with all government actions to limit the spread of COVID-19*.


The following links are meant to provide easy access to relevant COVID-19 information:


CCOHS Work Camps COVID-19 Tips

Guidelines for COVID-19 Outbreak Prevention, Control Management in Work Camps and Work Sites

Mask Requirements

Guidance for Employer Initiated COVID-19 Testing

Work Camps/Sites Prevention, Preparedness & Management

Guidance for Operators of Industrial Work Camps

Current Situation in Alberta

Complete Information for Albertans

Alberta Health Services COVID-19 Resources

Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health Updates

CCOHS COVID Health and Safety Guide


Help During Tough Times: You are not alone – IN EMERGENCY MENTAL HEALTH SITUATIONS DIAL 911

There is no denying these are strange times. Provincial Health Services have mental health supports in place. Canadians are encouraged to use them if they find themselves struggling – we are in this together.

Alberta Health Mental Health Resources

WCB COVID-19 Resources


Boilermakers FIELD Family Services Employee Assistance Plan (fseap)

Helpline Telephone: 1-866-990-1113
Group Name: Boilermakers
Password: myfseap


Boilermakers SHOP Family Services Employee Assistance Plan (fseap)

Individuals working under the IBB Local 146 / BCA of Alberta collective agreement were formerly participants in the CLR-A CEFAP

Visit their webpage for more details on services

Helpline Telephone: 1-800-663-1142

BCABEAP Pamphlet-english

BCABEAP Pamphlet-french

*Disclaimer: Lodge 146 does not endorse or support any of the products, companies or services listed below. This page is meant only to assist members to locate current information on the COVID-19 outbreak. It does not and should not replace information from government or provincial health websites – they remain the authority on this situation.